Pocket Diary 1916- 1917
German East Africa Campaign
My grandfather, James Shaw, was mobilised during the Great War, World War I, to serve in the Royal Artillery on 29th February 1916. Towards the end of his training as a Telephonist (signaller), when he had been selected for the East Africa draft, he started making brief entries in a pocket diary. The diary had to do double duty as, not having a replacement, he had to re-use it the following year.
The following is a transcription of the contents, now fading marks in pencil, giving a partial record of his time in Africa. It is a record of interesting things that happened to him, important events such as letters from home and the occasional tragedy.
To give some sense of the passing of time the span of his war, from the date of declaration of war to his date of discharge is shown thus:
(Representing the whole of his war, August 1914 - February 1919)
For a given month the elapsed proportion of his war is shown thus:
(Example a quarter of the way through the war)
and the elapsed proportion of his wartime service thus:
(Example half-way through his service)

The Diary - June 1916 to November 1917
June 1916
23 June 1916
Finish signalling exam. Sending on buzzer and flags. Weather very wet in forenoon. Parade 1:45 p.m.
to battery. Chosen for East African draft,. Pack and stores kit bag and bedding at Browndown1. Parade 4:20 march to Brockhurst2. Measured for men's rigout. Get pass and pay and march to Brockhurst
station. Leave at 7:16 p.m. Leave London 11:15 p.m.
Saturday, 24 June 1916
Arrive Coatbridge3 8:30 a.m. Wire Aggie4 and Barbara5. Went to
Draffan6 with Mother, Andrew7 and Mary with 2:15 p.m. train. Return 8:30. Met Aggie and Ettie8 with coats for us. A. and E. go into C. to look for A. and
M. , find them at M’s gate.
Sunday, 25 June 1916
Go to Glenboig church9 with A, E and Father. Ramoan10 for dinner and tea. Go to New Monkland with A. and E.
meet old friends on way. Service of song very good. Return to Ramoan for camera. Home to
Auchairn11 about 11:15 p.m.
Monday, 26 June - Sunday, 2 July 1916
[No entries]
July 1916
Monday, 3 July 1916
Rose 5 a.m. Blankets in store 6 a.m. Parade 7 a.m. March to Brockhurst. Breakfast and medical
inspection. Supplied with riding pants, spurs, bandolier, new boots, helmet and two suits drab
khaki. 50 rounds ammunition. Leave Brockhurst at 1:17 p.m. Allowed 6 minutes for refreshments.
Arrive Turnchapel Station12 at 9 p.m. met by ASC13 lorry. Put in charge of baggage. Arrive Fort
Staddon14 about 10 p.m. Supplied straw bedding. Tents on
ramparts. Get bed at about 11 p.m.
Tuesday, 4 July 1916
Parade before Lt. Baker and show kit. Break off for the day.
Wednesday, 5 July 1916
Parade roll call 6:30 a.m. Parade 9 a.m. Swedish drill15
and saluting. Dismiss 11 a.m. Concert at 2:15.
Thursday, 6 July 1916
Parade 6:30 a.m. Roll call 9 a.m. Fatigue in cookhouse. 2 p.m. same job. 6:15 and 8:15 fire piquet.
Parade and break off. Pay at 2 p.m.
Friday, 7 July 1916
Parade 6:30 & roll call parade 9:45 route march. Return about 11:15 afternoon. Football match 20
minutes each side. Lose 2-1. Hot job.
Saturday, 8 July 1916
Clean tent boards and ground. Finish for day. Go to Plymouth in afternoon.
Sunday, 9 July 1916
Church parade and finish for day.
Monday, 10 July 1916
Roll call 6:30 a.m. Parade 9 a.m. Drill to 11 a.m, Cook house 2 p.m.
Tuesday, 11 July 1916
Cook house all day.
Wednesday, 12 July 1916
Cook house from 5:30 a.m. till 9 p.m.
Thursday, 13 July 1916
Cookhouse from 6:30 a.m to 9 p.m.
Friday, 14 July 1916
Left Fort Staddon at 9:30 a.m. Embarked on SS Suffolk16 at
Devonport at 11 a.m. Sent postcards to Mother, Aggie, Bab. and Agnes. Pay of £1-12s. Letter
from Aggie and piece of bride's cake.
Saturday, 15 July 1916
Sailed at 5:45 weather fine and sea calm. Accompanied by two destroyers which left off at 7 p.m.
French coast sighted afternoon of Sunday 16th.
Sunday, 16 July 1916
Church parade at 11 a.m. Break of for the day. Some sailing boats sighted on port side. Weather very
warm and sea calm.
Monday, 17 July 1916
Parade 11 a.m. Instructed in wearing of lifebelts in case of fire. Weather very warm and sea calm.
Tuesday, 18 July 1916
Foggy weather. Physical drill off. Two shots fired from gun in stern of boat. Steam-ship sighted
about 11 a.m. Fire drill at 3 p.m. Weather fine, sea running high.
Wednesday, 19 July 1916
Physical drill 9:05 a.m. Corp. in charge knows very little about it. Parade 11 a.m. some chaps told
off for dirty buttons and badges. Concert at night. Very good. Weather very good. Sea slight swell
and choppy. Report that letters will be taken off by mail boat tomorrow.
Thursday, 20 July 1916
Physical drill 9:45 a.m. Officer in charge, enjoyed it and kept hard at it all the same. Parade at
11 a.m. Two vessels sighted, port side teatime, starboard about 7:45. Lights out at 8:30.
Friday, 21 July 1916
Physical drill 8:15. Very good. Fire alarm at 4:30 p.m. Weather fair till 11 a.m. showery and bright
all day after. Finished reading “Edge o’ Beyond”17. Nose
begins to give trouble.
Saturday, 22 July 1916
Wakened at 5:15 with inrush of water through porthole. Sea rather rough. Weather bright. Physical
drill, Bomb.[ardier] in charge. Nose rather sore.
Sunday, 23 July 1916
Church parade 9:30 a.m. Weather bright and sea very calm. Sharks sighted starboard side early
afternoon. Flying fish both sides all day. “Themis”18,
Amsterdam passed at 4:30 p.m. Nose very sore. No socks to be worn after today. Letters to Mother and
Aggie handed in.
Monday, 24 July 1916
Porpoises sighted along the starboard at 7 a.m. also flying fish. Nose burnt and is much easier.
Weather very bright and warm sea fairly calm. One swallow seen. Land sighted ahead about 8 o’clock
a.m. Arrive Dakar19 about 11 a.m. Guns and ammunition
taken ashore20. Natives dive for money, sell postcards and
cigarettes. Officers go ashore. Leave Dakar about 4:30 p.m. Sea becomes rough, strong winds blowing.
Dakar appeared to be a very nice place. Letters go ashore.
Tuesday 25th of July 1916
Sea still rough and windy weather.
Wednesday, 26 July 1916
Weather dull and cloudy. Physical drill and parade off on account of heavy rain. Wet nearly all day,
very heavy at night. Sports begin in afternoon. Deck quoits. RGA man puts two rings on.
Weather fine. Sports continues. Cock fighting21 very amusing. No physical drill today.
Friday, 28 July 1916
Weather fine and warm. Sports continue, cock fighting, apple bobbing22 and swinging the monkey23.
Fire parade about 4:30 p.m. Concert at 7 p.m. Father Neptune24 comes aboard and about 8 p.m. and makes his declaration and inspects
the ship.
Saturday, 29 July 1916
Weather fine and warm finish reading “Council of Justice”25. Parade at 11 a.m. Deck quoits, stocking and rattlers, swinging the
monkey. Parade at 2 p.m. Father Neptune inspect units and chooses some to be cleaned then the fun
Sunday, 30 July 1916
Weather fine but strong under-swell on sea. Short service at 9:30 a.m. break off for the day. Finish
reading “Only a Girl’s Story”.
Monday, 31 July 1916
Weather fair, strong wind and stormy sea. Tug-of-war ASC versus RGA. One wet and one dry deck so RGA
lose. Fatigue duty for canteen stores. Sports afternoon, bolster bar26 above bath. Eye begins to give trouble.
August 1916
Tuesday, 1 August 1916
Weather wet in forenoon. Fatigue duty on canteen stores. Fair weather in afternoon. Sports continue,
wheelbarrow race27, cockfighting and bolster bar. Suffer
from sore eye.
Wednesday, 2 August 1916
Weather fair, sea rough. Fatigue duty for canteen stores. Semi-final and final of tug of war.
APC28 v RE29,
ASC v AOC30. ASC win easily. Winning team treated to beer
by officers. Eye is very sore. Boat “Ophir”31, Amsterdam
passes about 3 p.m.
Thursday, 3 August 1916
Parade at 6 a.m. for deck swabbing. Weather fine, sea rather rough. Concert at night carried on
mostly by RE “band”.
Friday, 4 August 1916
Parade at 6 a.m. for deck swabbing. Dress parade at 11 a.m. medical inspection 2:30 p.m.
Continuation of sports. Concert and play “Humming Birds” at 7:15p.m.
Saturday, 5 August 1916
Parade at 6 a.m. deck swabbing. Weather fine and sea calm. Albatross seen at 10 a.m.
Sunday, 6 August 1916
Parade at 9:30 a.m. Short C.E. service.
Monday, 7 August 1916
Weather fine. Parade at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, 8 August 1916
Weather fine. Parade at 11 a.m. Arrive at Cape Town32 and
go ashore. Two men fall in water as boat leaves.
Wednesday, 9 August 1916
Parade at 11 a.m. Weather fine.
Thursday, 10 August 1916
Parade 11 a.m. Pay of 10/- 33 each. Enquiries made about
civil occupation.
Friday, 11 August 1916
Weather fine. Parade at 11 a.m. Sailing boat preceded by steamship pass in afternoon going west.
Steamship keeps pace with SS Suffolk for a while in afternoon, Shoals of porpoises seen during day.
Letters for Aggie and Mother handed in.
Saturday, 12 August 1916
Disembark from SS Suffolk and embark on Comrie Castle34.
Durban35 people throw oranges and cigarettes to troops and
are very kind.
[footnote] Mrs. Robb36, 61 South Ridge,
Sunday, 13 August 1916
Weather fine. Parade at 11 a.m. No church service.
Monday, 14 August 1916
Weather fine. Parade at 9 a.m and 11 a.m.
Tuesday, 15 August 1916
Weather fine. Parade at 11 a.m. Distribution of tobacco and oranges given by Women’s Patriotic
League, Durban, Natal37. Two bags tob[acco] and 15
Wednesday, 16 August 1916
Weather very warm. Parade at 11 a.m. Concert at night. Excellent.
LNL38 L[ance] Corp. renders “The Rosary”39 and “Down The Vale”40 to perfection on cornet.
Thursday, 17 August 2016
Weather very warm, sea very calm. Land in sight on port side all day. Parade at 11 a.m. Concert at
night, very good except RE band. ASC private renders “The Rosary” very sweetly on piano.
Friday, 18 August 2016
Weather fine, nice breeze.
Saturday, 19 August 2016
Arrive off Kilindini41 Concert at night. Officers have a
good time some can scarcely stand. Weather fine and warm. Nigger’s lanterns42 on water.
Sunday, 20 August 1916
Lay off Kilindini. Expect to get ashore but are disappointed. Weather fine and warm. Some of
officers leave the boat.
Monday, 21 August 1916
Rise 5 a.m. Hand in hammocks. Leave Comrie Castle at 9:50 a.m. go ashore at Kilindini. Send
for blankets, mosquito nets and groundsheets under McNaughton and have a row with him. Horse swims
ashore from boat. Leave Kalindini at 1:40 p.m. and arrive at Voi43 at 11 p.m. and stay there in train all night.
Tuesday, 22 August 1916
Leave Voi station at 5 a.m. Pass two train wrecks. Had tea and wash 25 miles from Voi.
Graveyard44 with some LNL men in it. Weather very fair.
Arrive at Maktau45.
Wednesday, 23 August 1916
Rise at 6 a.m. Parade 9 a.m. OC’s46 inspection. Route
march47 about 6 miles. Weather very warm.
Thursday, 24 August 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Parade 7 a.m. physical drill (farce). 9 o’clock OC’s inspection. 9:30 Squad drill.
Rotten. Have ramble in woods and catch caterpillar. Littlejohn swallows 25 cent piece which is
the last coin he possessed at the time. Letter from Barbara48, answer with postcard.
Friday, 25 August 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Kit inspection 9 a.m. Fatigue49, carrying
wood in forenoon. Ramble in afternoon. Capture large spider. Warned for going up line50 at night. T. Robinson takes ill.
Saturday, 26 August 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 7 a.m. Walk up mountainside and return again. Pack kit ready for
moving and hang on all day afternoon.
Sunday, 27 August 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Parade for church at 10:45 a.m. but dismissed. Attend service at 6:15 p.m. Carry
water after meals. Weather fine, strong winds.
Monday, 28 August 1916
Rise 6 a.m. OC’s inspection 9 a.m. Physical drill 7 a.m. Route march 9:30 a.m. Play cricket in
afternoon and make 3 runs. Weather very warm.
Tuesday, 29 August 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 7 a.m. Squad drill 9:30 – 11 a.m. Weather fine.
Wednesday, 30 August 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 7 a.m. OC’s inspection. Route march 9:45. Very wet all day.
Thursday, 31 August 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 7 a.m. OC’s inspection 9 a.m. Squad drill 9:40-11. Fatigue, shifting
kits to store 3 p.m.
September 1916
Friday, 1 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30 OC’s inspection 9. Route march 9:45 Medical inspection for
vaccination 4 p.m.
Saturday, 2 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30 Kit inspection 9:45 Some wanted for up line. Weather fine.
Sunday, 3 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Church parade 10:45. Weather fine.
Monday, 4 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. OC’s inspection 9 a.m. Rifle drill 9:30 – 11 a.m. Weather fine.
Tuesday, 5 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Route march 9:30 Weather very warm Dar-es-Salaam occupied by our troops without
opposition on 4/9/16.
Wednesday, 6 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30 Squad drill.
Thursday, 7 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30. OC’s inspection 9 a.m. Kit inspection 9:30 Warned to go up
Friday, 8 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30. OC’s inspection 9 a.m. Route march 9:30. Letter to Mother.
Saturday, 9 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Rumour that paymaster is coming.
Sunday, 10 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Church parade 9:45 Text “Be ye strong and of good courage”51.
Monday, 11 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30 OC’s parade 9. Rifle drill 9:30 to 11 a.m. Defaulters have route
march at 2 p.m. Letter despatched to Aggie52.
Tuesday, 12 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30 OC’s parade 9 a.m. Route march 9:30-11 a.m.
Wednesday, 13 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30. No water for washing. OC’s inspection. New officer.
Thursday, 14 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30 OC’s inspection 9. Kit inspection 10 a.m.
Friday, 15 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30. OC’s inspection 9. Route march 9:30-11.
Saturday, 16 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30 a.m. OC’s inspection 9. Pay books handed in.
Sunday, 17 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Church parade 9:45 a.m. Text “Straightway”53.
Monday, 18 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30-7:20 a.m. Arms drill 9:30-10. Let out in afternoon to look for
rhino. Leave at 1:40 return 7:15. Unsuccessful.
Tuesday, 19 September 1916
Tuesday, 19 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30-7:30. Disappointed in pay.
Wednesday, 20 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30-7:30. Cochrane54 and
Robinson T. caught out with rifle and put in guard room.
Thursday, 21 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:20-7:30 OC’s parade 9. Pay of 30 Rupees. Very hot during the night.
Friday, 22 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30 to 7:40 Arms drill 9:20-11.
Saturday, 23 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30-7:30. OC’s parade with rifles and bandoliers 9 o’clock. Route
march 9:30 to 10:30.
Sunday, 24 September 1916 through Thursday, 28 September 1916
[No entries – in transit?]
Friday, 29 September 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Physical drill 6:30 OC’s inspection 9.
Saturday, 30 September 1916
Arrive Korogwe55 12 noon. March to Calcutta Bty.
Camp56. Heated with riding breeches. Sleep under gun.
October 1916
Sunday, 1 October 1916
Rise 6:30. Parade for signalling 10:30-12 afternoon 4-5. Some fun between Wright and Mac over
semaphore. Medical inspection. Some washed out with rain.
Monday, 2 October 1916
Mealymeal57 for breakfast. Signalling 10:30 a.m.-12
afternoon 4:30-6:20. Joe and Ally send semaphore.
Tuesday, 3 October 1916
Breakfast of mealymeal and coffee at 6:30 a.m. Leave for Korogwe starting at 8:20 with pack mule
and boy. Leave Korogwe at 6:30 p.m. Arrive at Tanga58
about 12 mid-night. Quartered in Hotel Deutscher Kaiser.
Wednesday, 4 October 1916
Go on fatigue at docks unloading guns, ammo etc. till 7:45. Breakfast at 9. Clear for the day
and spend it looking round.
Thursday, 5 October 1916
Signalling from 6:30-7:30. Send abb. Joe and Scottie send and Ally and I receive. No other
parade today.
Friday, 6 October 1916
Signalling till 7:30. Ally and I send, Joe and Scottie receive abb. Free for the day.
Saturday, 7 October 1916
Battery drills. Act as no. 459 till 7:30 a.m. Free for
the day. Rain driving drill.
Sunday, 8 October 1916
Bathing parade at 7 a.m. Go for run on a truck with Joe Singleton and have a very exciting time.
Go to see the native dances at night and have a great time.
Monday, 9 October 1916
Signalling to 7:30. Scottie and I to Joe and Eddy. Signalling 10 to 11:30. Finish up for day.
Have a sore head all day.
Tuesday, 10 October 1916
Rise 6 a Go on guard at harbour from 9:30 a.m. Not feeling well at all. Guards 8 to 10 p.m. and
2 to 4 a.m. Wednesday guns go aboard SS Montrose60 at 10 a.m.
Wednesday, 11 October 1916
Come off guard at 9:30 a.m. and march back to hotel. Firework display at night.
Thursday, 12 October 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Signalling practice 6:30 and 4 p.m.
Friday, 13 October 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Fatigues till 10:30. Return to hotel at 11 a.m. and relieve Hoskins at harbour at
11:30. Also on board SS Montrose at 12 noon. Leave Tanga at 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, 14 October 1916
Arrive Dar-es-Salaam61 in early morning and leave same
Sunday, 15 October 1916
Arrive Zanzibar62 and leave at midnight. Ford63 and another fall overboard and Milligan down the
Monday, 16 October 1916
Arrive off Kilwa Kisiwani64. Begin unloading
Tuesday, 17 October 1916
Still more fatigues removing stuff from hold.
Wednesday, 18 October 1916
Still removing more stuff from hold.
Thursday, 19 October 1916
More stuff removed from hold including four guns.
Friday, 20 October 1916
Disembark and camp at Kilwa Kisiwani.
Saturday, 21 October 1916
Rise 5 a.m. Move out at 6:30 and travel about 10 miles. Have bath in small stream about ½ mile
from camp.
Sunday, 22 October 1916
Rise 5. Move out 6:30 a.m. Arrive at Kilwa Kivinje65.
Ride good. Part of way on Sgt. Gibson’s mule. Fix up bivouac and am very comfortable.
Macnaughton loses nail of left big toe.
Monday, 23 October 1916
Rise 6. Signalling practice 6:30 and lie up for day. Bathing parade at 4 p.m. Very bad beach and
water very low.
Tuesday, 24 October 1916
Rise 6. Signalling practice 6:30, 10 and 4 p.m. Put on CRA66 line instead of Mcnaughton. Heavy rain during night. Take Sgt.
Gibson’s mule to bathe.
Wednesday, 25 October 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Battery practice 6:30 Go on FOO67 line
with mule. Officer shows diagram for range finding. Finish in time to clear rain. Out with Ally
and Joe till 12 with helio68. Wanted for guard but
released. Harold gets fright with scorpion spider69.
Thursday, 26 October 1916
Rise 6 a.m. Signalling practice 6:20, 10 and 4 p.m.
Friday, 27 October 1916
Battery drill order at 6:30. Bathing at 4 p.m.
Saturday, 28 October 1916
Battery drill order at 6:30 Bathing parade at 4 p.m.
Sunday, 29 October 1916
Nothing doing all day.
Monday, 30 October 1916
Loading wagons with kit etc. at 6:20. Signalling practice cypher at 4 p.m.
Tuesday, 31 October 1916
Battery drill order at 6:30 a.m. Armstrong is ill and I take his place on BL70 with Spalding71.
Letters to Aggie and Mother despatched.
November 1916
Wednesday, 1 November 1916
Battery drill order at 6:30. Supported cypher at 4 p.m.
Thursday, 2 November 1916
Battery drill order at 6:30 Sending and receiving abbs. At 4 p.m.
Friday, 3 November 1916
Battery drill order Hoskins attends 6:30 a.m. parade but is too ill to go out at 4. Wright
becomes Sgt.
Saturday, 4 November 1916
Battery drill order. Reeves72 takes ill on parade and
Hoskins is too ill to turn out.
Sunday, 5 November 1916
Right-half battery leaves Kilwa Kivinje in very hot sunny weather for Nangurukuru73 and arrive about 2:30. Stay till next day. Fill box
of mangos.
Monday, 6 November 1916
Leave Nangurukuru at 3 p.m. Arrive at next camp at 8:30. Do guard.
Tuesday, 7 November 1916
Leave at 6 a.m. and tramp all day till 2:15 p.m. with biscuit and tea at 1:15 Arrive at
Mitole74 at 2:15 Sergeant Gibson feeling ill.
Wednesday, 8 November 1916
Leave Mitole at 3 a.m. and arrive at Njinjo75 at 9
a.m. Lion crossed our path. Guns taken inside and men sleep beside trenches.
Thursday, 9 November 1916
Leave Njingo at 9:30 a.m. and arrive at Tchemera Hill76 about 10:30. Pitch bivouac.
Friday, 10 November 1916
Begin digging gun pits. Do one hour piquet last night.
Saturday, 11 November 1916
Continue digging gun pits.
Sunday, 12 November 1916 - Wednesday, 15 November 1916
[no entries]
Thursday, 16 November 1916
Do piquet at night.
Friday, 17 November 1916
[no entry]
Saturday, 18 November 1916
Begin building banda77.
Sunday, 19 November 1916
[no entry]
Monday, 20 November 1916
Supervising coolies78 cutting trees two miles from
Tuesday, 21 November 1916
[no entry]
Wednesday, 22 November 1916
Do piquet at night. Get word of Ford’s death on Nov. 20th Park and May get word about
Thursday, 23 November 1916
Very heavy rain.
Friday, 24 November 1916 - Sunday, 26 November 1916
[no entries]
Monday, 27 November 1916
Do piquet at night. Chaplain joins us.
Tuesday, 28 November 1916
Leave Tchemera Hill for Mitole at 3 p.m. but stop about 3 miles from it beside water for the
Wednesday, 29 November 1916
Move on to Mitole at 7:30 a.m. Arrive about 9 a.m. Put up bivouac.
Thursday, 30 November 1916
Prepare bivouac for marching.
December 1916
Friday, 1 December 1916
Very wet in morning. Prisoner (German) caught three men and NCO act as guard.
Saturday, 2 December 1916
Thatch bivouac. Do camp guard at night. Sgt. Gibson goes off to Kiliwa [Kinije] with prisoner.
Sunday, 3 December 1916 1916
Chaplain distributes papers, cigarettes, note paper, games and books and candles.
Monday, 4 December 1916
In morning ride out on Maj. Browning’s pony to look for five lost mules. Raise a buck in the
tall grass. Signalling practice at 3 p.m. Letters despatched to Mother and Aggie.
Tuesday, 5 December 1916
Flag drill, - semaphore and Morse – at 6 a.m. Test in sending semaphore. Go out and back by
3:30. Mend wire cut by officer’s orders. Sgt. Gibson returns from Kiliwa.
Wednesday, 6 December 1916
Dig holes for men’s banda. Go out with signalling gear without Sgt., who had to have something
to say when we came in.
Thursday, 7 December 1916
Go out with waggon in morning to bring in bamboo for banda. Maj. Kinloch takes over post command
and Maj. Browning leaves with mountain battery in afternoon. Battery has half holiday. Do guard
at night.
Friday, 8 December 1916
Being on guard the previous night do nothing in forenoon. Do a little on the director79 in the afternoon.
Saturday, 9 December 1916
Clean gun and ammunition train in the morning for inspection. Leave Mitole at 3 p.m. and march
to Tchemera Hill arriving at 9 p.m. Rain during night.
Sunday, 10 December 1916
Take over mess orderly for week. Rain during forenoon. Move up the hill in afternoon to old
camp. Church service in evening. V.B.R.
Monday, 11 December 1916
German prisoner brought in. Leave Tchemera Hill at 4:30 a.m. and march back to Mitole arrive at
9:30. Heavy rain during night causing us to seek shelter old banda. Lt. Young and Gnr. White
join us on way from Tchemera. Letters to Mother and Aggie despatched.
Tuesday, 12 December 1916
Rain during day. Bomb80. Ward and three men join us.
Wednesday, 13 December 1916
Very heavy rain during day. Scottie takes to fever, very ill during night. Motor transport stuck
because of bad roads.
Thursday, 14 December 1916
Nice bright morning.
Friday, 15 December 1916 - Saturday, 16 December 1916
[no entry]
Sunday, 17 December 1916 1916
Whitmill81 takes over mess orderly. 2/3rds. Rations
for week issued.
Monday, 18 December 1916 - Wednesday, 20 December 1916
[no entry]
Thursday, 21 December 1916
Receive letters from Aggie and Jim Arthur
Friday, 22 December 1916
Do guard at night
Saturday, 23 December 1916
Do grazing82 guard in forenoon. Half-holiday in
Sunday, 24 December 1916
Attend CE83 service.
Monday, 25 December 1916
Holiday all day. Get 100 cigarettes from Lt. Young. Concert at night.
Tuesday, 26 December 1916
Write to Aggie and Mother.
Wednesday, 27 December 1916
Do guard at night
Thursday, 28 December 1916
[no entry]
Friday, 29 December 1916
Do grazing guard in forenoon.
Saturday, 30 December 1916
[no entry]
Sunday, 31 December 1916
Go out with Sgt. Gibson shooting. See a buck. Officers seem to have a good time at night.
January 1917
Monday, 1 January 1917
Receive letters from Aggie. Holiday all day. Papers from Aggie
Tuesday, 2 January 1917
Wednesday, 3 January 1917
Parade from 6:30 to 8:30. Flag and buzzer practice.
Thursday, 4 January 1917 - Friday, 5 January 1917
[no entries]
Saturday, 6 January 1917
Received word of promotion84 and do guard. No games at
Sunday, 7 January 1917
Leave Mitole with bullock transport in afternoon and march to Tschemara Hill arrive at 7:30. Leave
at 10 and march till early next morning. Leave Harry Ingham sick at Tschemara.
Monday, 8 January 1917
March on in afternoon and camp in very long grass. Brown falls off cart and gets hurt.
Tuesday, 9 January 1917
Move on to Namatiwa85 arriving late at night. 52 miles
Wednesday, 10 January 1917
Go out with scouting party at 3 a.m. returning to camp about 9 a.m.
Thursday, 11 January 1917
Leave Namatiwa and march towards Ngarambi86. Fired on by
Germans. Return to camp at Ngarambi at night.
Friday, 12 January 1917 Being battery orderly am supervising boys cutting grass when camp is fired upon. Gun is brought into position and fires 16 rounds. One black boy hit. After quietness is established it is found to be the Pathans87 who have fired on the camp. They lost one man killed and another wounded. Major von Boemken88 brought in as prisoner.
Saturday, 13 January 1917
Camp is again fired on but no one is hit and gun doesn’t fire.
Sunday, 14 January 1917
Camp fired into and Alex Spalding89 is killed instantly
shot wound in head. He was laying wire90 to front line. He
was buried in the afternoon.
Monday, 15 January 1917
All is quiet. German prisoner brought in wounded three places in the legs. John Marsden comes in and
brings letters. I get 19 and thirty two come for Alex Spalding. I look through them for valuables
and then burn them.
Tuesday, 16 January 1917
Leave camp with Pathans at 3:30 p.m. and march for 2½ hours. Camp in bush for night. Gun
follows later. Rations for two days consists of 2½ chapattis. No fires allowed so we drink water.
Sgt. Gibson leaves for Nairobi at 6.a.m. Letters despatched to Mother and Aggie.
Wednesday, 17 January 1917
Move on at 2 a.m. and bump into enemy about 10:30 a.m. Move again and have another scrap about 2:30
p.m. Capt. Thomson hit in the leg. We return to camp at N.J.91 at 11:45 p.m.
Thursday, 18 January 1917
Dan Wyart arrives in camp with McNaughton and McConkey.
Friday, 19 January 1917 [no entry]
Saturday, 20 January 1917
Leave camp with Pathans in afternoon and march out with gun. Camp in bush for night.
Sunday, 21 January 1917
Move on at 5:20 and bump into enemy about six miles from Mawa. Very heavy rain so get wet to skins.
Return back to Ngarambi there at night!
Monday, 22 January 1917
Reid and Sable arrive in camp.
Tuesday, 23 January 1917
Leave camp at 3:30 and march for seven miles towards Kitambe. Stuck at deep drift and camp there for
that night.
Wednesday, 24 January 1917
Move at 6 a.m. without any Pathans and after a hard days work making roads passable arrive at
Kitambe about seven p.m. Padre meets us there and each man gets three packets of [unclear] cigs.
Heavy rain at night. Receive papers from Aggie.
Thursday, 25 January 1917
Resting all day. Write some letters to Barbara, Agnes and John Murray.
Friday, 26 January 1917 Nothing doing all day except moving shells to sled.
Saturday, 27 January 1917
Same as yesterday, removing [unclear].
Sunday, 28 January 1917
Maunders and Knight arrive in camp. Receive two letters from Mother and one letter and three bundles
of papers from Aggie.
Monday, 29 January 1917
Make preparations for removing camp further down hill.
Tuesday, 30 January 1917
Continue work on new camp. Gasper and Handlon leave for Zanzibar to bring others. McConkey goes to
Wednesday, 31 January 1917
Guard from 9 a.m. to 9a.m. next day on ammunition stores.
February 1917
Thursday, 1 February 1917 - Saturday 17 February
[no entries]
Sunday, 18 February 1917
Leave Kitambe at 6 a.m. and arrive at Mission about 5:30 p.m. Corp. Golding goes sick so I take over
charge. Roads very bad. Niggers have to pull guns up heavy hills.
Monday, 19 February 1917
Leave Mission at 9:30 a.m. and have to leave the battery on account of fever and proceed to
Tuesday, 20 February 1917
Lay all day in banda with fever.
Wednesday, 21 February 1917
Scottie, Hessay, Knight, Walker, Alexander and I go into hospital with fevers and dysentery
respectively. Battery moves on towards Namakata93.
Thursday, 22 February 1917
In hospital
Friday, 23 February 1917
In hospital
Saturday, 24 February 1917
In hospital
Sunday, 25 February 1917
In hospital
Monday, 26 February 1917
Discharged hospital and pack up in readiness to move next day. Hessay and Alexander left behind.
Tuesday, 27 February 1917
Leave Kabata and march to Nama Kata and camp for the night. Roads are very bad.
Wednesday, 28 February 1917
Leave Nama Kata and arrive Moboro94 and join the battery
about midday in heavy rain. Have a very cold welcome.
March 1917
Thursday, 1 March 1917
Still in Moboro. Hessay arrives about midday. Rumour that will be here for another six days.
Friday, 2 March 1917
Load two guns on a small lighters after dismantling.
Saturday, 3 March 1917
Carry signalling and other gear down to the riverside ready for loading. Load limbers and stores on
lighter in afternoon.
Sunday, 4 March 1917
Leave Moboro and march about 8 miles and board lighters. Lie there until afternoon and are towed
down river and arrive aboard “Mafia”95, London, just
before dark. Stay there all night. Very wet during night.
Monday, 5 March 1917
“Mafia” leaves after midday. Fair weather.
Tuesday, 6 March 1917
Still on “Mafia” arriving in Dar-es-Salaam about dark.
Wednesday, 7 March 1917
Unload limbers, guns and other stores from “Mafia” into lighter and come ashore and march to camp
and don’t feel too braw. No room in tents so sleep outside. Take over duties of battery orderly for
week. Receive letters and papers from Mother, Joe, Agnes and Aggie and Mr Plenderleith96 and Mrs McAndrew97.
Thursday, 8 March 1917
Fair all day but very heavy rain with thunder and lightning during night. Have to rush into a tent.
Friday, 9 March 1917
Erect another tent and sleep there during the night.
Saturday, 10 March 1917
Guns and other gear cleaned ready to go into ordnance. Indian gifts sorted out. Gifts distributed in
Sunday, 11 March 1917
Have to lie down with fever in the afternoon.
Monday, 12 March 1917
Still laid up with fever.
Tuesday, 13 March 1917
Fever still, but a little better.
Wednesday, 14 March 1917
Still improving.
Thursday, 15 March 1917
Nearly all right again.
Friday, 16 March 1917 - Sunday, 18 March 1917
[no entries]
Monday, 19 March 1917
Letter from Aggie dated 13/12/16
Tuesday, 20 March 1917
Letter from Agnes dated 21/1/17
Wednesday, 21 March 1917
Letter from Mother 18/1/17. Letter from Aggie 17/1/17 and 2 bundles papers.
Thursday, 22 March 1917 - Saturday, 24 March 1917
[no entries]
Sunday, 25 March 1917
Letters to Mother, Agnes, Joe, Aggie and Mrs McAndrews.
Monday, 26 March 1917
Orders that all RA men attached to 8th Field Battery98 will join the 134th (Cornwall) Howitzer Battery tomorrow
at 2 p.m.
Tuesday, 27 March 1917
Pack up kit in forenoon join 134th battery at 2 p.m. and immediately set to work to take down and
pack officers mess tent. Proceed to station. Train leaves about 10.
Wednesday, 28 March 1917
Arrive Ngerengere at 4:30 a.m. and stay all day and night. Rails washed away by rain.
Thursday, 29 March 1917
Move on, passing Kisegese and arrive at Morogoro99 just at
dusk. Tramp to camp. Roads awful.
Friday, 30 March 1917
Report sick and have to walk down town to see doctor. Paper marked Mex100, 1 day, duty.
Saturday, 31 March 1917
Go on parade but get leave to fall out. Do no more this day.
April 1917
Sunday, 1 April 1917
Lie up all day. Go on 24 hour house guard at 6:30. Letters from Mother dated [blank] Papers from
Monday, 2 April 1917
Come off guard at 6:30 p.m. Heavy rain during night.
Tuesday, 3 April 1917
No parade on account of rain.
Wednesday, 4 April 1917 - Monday, 9 April
[no entries]
Tuesday, 10 April 1917
Go into hospital at Morogoro, feeling very sick.
Wednesday, 11 April 1917
Not feeling much better and eat practically nothing all day.
Thursday, 12 April 1917
Feel a little better and shift into a ward beside more patients. A little cluster here.
Friday, 13 April 1917
Still improving but not very braw. Sister says, “You must eat”.
Saturday, 14 April 1917
A little better.
Sunday, 15 April 1917
Still improving but slowly.
Monday, 16 April 1917 - Tuesday, 17 April 1917
[no entries]
Wednesday, 18 April 1917
Leave Morogoro hospital at 4 p.m. and join hospital train for Dar-es-Salaam. Transfer paper marked
‘Has had a very severe attack of Malaria. Now wasting rapidly’.
Thursday, 19 April 1917
Arrive in Dar-es-Salaam and am put in Ward 8.
Friday, 20 April 1917
Doctor examines me and loses his temper because his pencil breaks.
Saturday, 21 April 1917
Another man takes my bed and I go out to the verandah. Have bad pain in chest on account of rain.
Sunday, 22 April 1917
Being close to the church can hear organ play at all the various services.
Monday, 23 April 1917
Make out some diet sheets for Sister. Getting on fairly well. Have visit of clergy man at tea tent.
Tuesday, 24 April 1917
[no entry]
Wednesday, 25 April 1917
Letters from Aggie, Ettie and Barbara.
Thursday, 26 April 1917 - Monday, 7 May 1917
[no entries]
May 1917
Tuesday, 8 May 1917
Letters from Agnes and Aggie.
Wednesday, 9 May 1917 - Monday, 14 May 1917
[no entries]
Tuesday, 15 May 1917
Parade at 11 a.m. and hand in papers.
Wednesday, 16 May 1917
Leave hospital and go into Detail Camp Dar-es-Salaam.
Thursday, 17 May 1917
Attend as pall-bearer of RE Private101 in afternoon.
Friday, 18 May 1917
Nothing to do all day.
Saturday, 19 May 1917
Go on piquet duty outside detail camp.
Sunday, 20 May 1917 - Sunday, 27 May 1917
[no entries]
Monday, 28 May 1917
Come off piquet . Take over hospital guard from Carey.
Tuesday, 29 May 1917 - Sunday, 10 June 1917
[no entries]
June 1917
Monday, 11 June 1917
Letter to Mother.
Tuesday, 12 June 1917
Tyrell leaves for Rodesia[Rhodesia?]
Wednesday, 13 June 1917
[no entry]
Thursday, 14 June 1917
Dickman goes into hospital.
Friday, 15 June 1917
[no entry]
Saturday, 16 June 1917
Five letters from Aggie dated 20th & 27th Feb., 4th March,
17th & 24th Apr. One letter from Mother dated 4th May, ditto Mrs
McA, 12th Ap., ditto J. Arthur, 15th Ap.
Sunday, 17 June 1917
Two letters from Aggie dated 13th & 27th March.
Monday, 18 June 1917
Feeling sick and have to take to bed with ague.
Tuesday, 19 June 1917
Still feeling unwell. Another attack of ague.
Wednesday, 20 June 1917
Still feeling sick.
Thursday, 21 June 1917
Go into 2nd SAG Hospital with Malaria.
Friday, 22 June 1917
Confined to bed with malaria. Temp 100º a.m. 104º pm.
Saturday, 23 June 1917
Temp drops to 97.2º Letters from Mother dated March 19th Copy of Tom’s letter enclosed.
Hills and Jones go to Morogoro.
Sunday, 24 June 1917
Temp 97.6º
Monday, 25 June 1917
Still in hospital.
Tuesday, 26 June 1917
Wednesday, 27 June 1917
Thursday, 28 June 1917
Friday, 29 June 1917
Saturday, 30 June 1917
Sunday, 1 July 1917
July 1917
Monday, 2 July 1917
Discharged from hospital. See Reg. Reid.
Tuesday, 3 July 1917
Rebuilding cookhouse.
Wednesday, 4 July 1917
Working on cookhouse.
Thursday, 5 July 1917
Leave Dar-es-Salaam for Morogoro.
Friday, 6 July 1917
Arrive Morogoro.
Saturday, 7 July 1917
Route march.
Sunday, 8 July 1917
Nothing doing.
Monday, 9 July 1917 - Thursday, 19 July 1917
[no entries]
Friday, 20 July 1917
Saturday, 21 July 1917
Football Arty - RFC, 0 – 2.
Sunday, 22 July 1917
Letter to Aggie.
Monday, 23 July 1917
Letter to Mother
Tuesday, 24 July 1917 - Tuesday, 31 July 1917
[no entries]
August 1917
Wednesday, 1 August 1917 - Thursday, 18 October 1917
[no dates amended, no entries]
October 1917
Friday, 19 October 1917
Leave Morogoro at 9:30 a.m. for Dar-es-Salaam and arrive the same night.
Saturday, 20 October 1917
DSM detail camp102.
Sunday, 21 October 1917
DSM detail camp
Monday, 22 October 1917
DSM detail camp
Tuesday, 23 October 1917
DSM detail camp
Wednesday, 24 October 1917
DSM detail camp
Thursday, 25 October 1917
DSM detail camp
Friday, 26 October 1917
DSM detail camp
Saturday, 27 October 1917
Go on board “Hymettus”103 for Kilwa
Sunday, 28 October 1917
Arrive Kilwa Kisiwani and motor to Kilwa Kivinje. Camp at Red Hill near old camp of last year.
Monday, 29 October 1917
Detail camp Red Hill
Tuesday, 30 October 1917
Detail camp Red Hill
Wednesday, 31 October 1917
Leave Kilwa Kivinje and travel to Mitandi Wala to join Hull Battery instead of Kilwa Battery
November 1917
Thursday, 1 November 1917
Continue on tractor to Nanganache and then by autocar to Lewale. Meet Andrew Porter who was coachman and chauffeur to Laird Rankin104
Friday, 2 November 1917
Continue on AP’s autocar to Nahungo105
Saturday, 3 November 1917
Still in Nahungo and see A. P. again
Sunday, 4 November 1917
Still in Nahungo
Monday, 5 November 1917
Still in Nahungo and see AP on his way to Minera Mission
Tuesday, 6 November 1917
Leave Nahungo and proceed to Minera Mission. Pass AP on road.
Wednesday, 7 November 1917
Leave Minera and proceed to Ruangwa106 and see Bdr.
Spender. Leave and proceed to Ngaga107, walking the last
miles and join the Hull Battery.
Thursday, 8 November 1917
Go on in FWD108 lorry. No fighting.
Friday, 9 November 1917
Go on again. Doing Piquet by the way.
Saturday, 10 November 1917
Proceed in FWD no scrap. Join Kilwa Battery at night in Nanga Massai109.
Sunday, 11 November 1917
Go out as escort to FO Party. Some scrapping guns fire six rounds and Hull Battery ten rounds. Don’t
see effect of shells, being short of wire. Return to camp at night. Guns have moved up about one
Monday, 12 November 1917
Infantry scrapping in distance. Do guard at night. Wire is broken between battery and Hill 6 and Joe
Armstrong comes back to repair it and is lost for a time in the bush.
Tuesday, 13 November 1917
Infantry scrapping throughout day. Hull battery go forward a little and with one gun about 5:30 p.m.
and fire two rounds.
Wednesday, 14 November 1917
Still in Nanga Massai. [This is the last entry in the diary.]
Presumably my grandfather continued to serve with his unit during the last few weeks of 1917 but it is most likely that he again suffered from sickness that was serious to have him removed from theatre.
January 1918
The discharge papers record that James Shaw was admitted to No.2 General Hospital, Maitland, Cape Town, South Africa on Thursday, 3rd January 1918, suffering from Malaria. He is recorded as having served one year, five months in East Africa. The medical officer, Capt. Hopkins authorises the transfer to England for convalescence.
He is repatriated on A72 “Beltana”110 but falls ill on board with malaria from Sunday, 17th February through Tuesday, 19 February 1918. On arrival in the UK he is admitted to Bermondsey Military Hospital, London from Thursday, 21 March 1918 through Saturday, 24 May 1918. During this time his temperature reaches 102º on 24th and 26th March and his spleen is described as being 'slightly tender'. Official policy is now not to return malaria sufferers to 'theatres of war where malaria is prevalent'. He is discharged from hospital with downgraded medical status.
2. Fort Brockhurst, Gosport, Hants.↩
3. Coatbridge, Lanarkshire. Nearest station to parents' home.↩
4. Aggie: Agnes Murie Kay Scott, wife to be.↩
5. Barbara Young. Married older sister.↩
6. Draffan Farm, South Lanarkshire. Brother Thomas is working near here.↩
7. Andrew & Mary: Brother Andrew and his wife to be, Mary Revie.↩
8. Ettie: Youngest sister Margaret.↩
9. Glenboig church: Nearest church to Ramoan Farm.↩
10. Ramoan Farm, Glenboig. Farm previously rented by Father, now by brother Joseph.↩
12. Turnchapel station, Plymouth.↩
13. Army Service Corps.↩
14. Fort Staddon, Eastern coastal guard fort for Plymouth.↩
15. Swedish drill: A form of low-impact exercise.↩
16. "HMAT" Suffolk": Built J. Brown, Clydeside, 1902. 7,573 grt, l:460', b: 58.2'. (Temporarily leased to Australian government as HM Australian Transport, Oct 1914 - June 1917 to bring Australian troops to the Western Front).↩
17. "Edge o' Beyond", novel by Gertrude Page, 1902.↩
18. "Themis": Built Rijkee & Co. N.V. Rotterdam 1903, 897 grt.↩
19. Dakar, Senegal, West Africa, 2,264 nautical miles from Plymouth.↩ 20. Guns and ammunition offloaded to support West Africa campaign.↩
22. 'Apple bobbing': Competitors attempt to pick up apples floating in a vessel using just their mouth/teeth.↩
23. 'Monkey', a man suspended upside-down, is swung and attempts to strike others standing around with a stick. A hit and they change roles↩
24. Father Neptune, (played by disguised crewman), ceremony initiates travellers 'crossing the line' (Equator) for the first time. ↩
25. “Council of Justice”: Novel by Edgar Wallace, 1902.↩
26. 'Bolster bar': Jousting match sitting astride a bar, using swung bolsters/pillows as weapons.↩
27. 'Wheelbarrow': One man holding another by the ankles who 'runs' using his hands.↩
28. APC, Army Pay Corps.↩
29. RE, Royal Engineers.↩
30. AOC, Army Ordnance Corps.↩
32. Cape Town, South Africa. 5,845 nautical miles from Plymouth.↩
33. Ten shillings = £0.50↩
34. “Comrie Castle” : Built Barclay, Curle & Co. Glasgow, 1903. 5,173 gtw l: 419.3' b: 50.2'.↩
35. Durban, South Africa. 6,626 nautical miles from Plymouth.↩
36. Mrs. Robb: Address included in gift? Road re-named Mazisi Kunene Rd.↩ 37. WPL, Durban, Natal: Acted as branch of South African Govt. Gifts & Comforts Committee.↩
38. Loyal North Lancashire regiment.↩
39. 'The Rosary': By Ethlebert Nevin, 1898.↩
41. Kilindini. Natural harbour for Mombasa, Kenya. 6,626 nautical miles from Plymouth.↩
42. Soldiers name for firelies?↩
43. Voi, Kenya: Aprox. 97 miles N.W. of Kilindini.↩
44. Voi Cemetery is the burial place of 61 UK servicemen, of whom 23 were from the LNL regiment.↩
45. Maktau, Kenya: Aprox. 36 miles W. of Voi.↩
46. OC: Officer Commanding, or Commanding Officer in civilian language.↩
47. Route March: A long ramble for training purposes, usually returning to the point of origin.↩
48. Barbara Young: Married older sister.↩
49. Fatigue: A labour duty not requiring the use of a weapon.↩
50. 'going up line': Moving from a reserve position to one near the 'front line', the active combat zone.↩
52. 'Aggie', Agnes Murie Kay Scott, wife-to-be.↩
53. Perhaps Acts 9:20-22?↩
54. Cochrane: Diary end-papers, G. Cochrane, 49 Bamford St., Manchester. [Died 8/11/1917 Reg. No. 69830]↩
55. Korogwe, Tanzania. 192 miles S. from Maktau. To the W. of Tanga.↩
56. Perhaps Indian Defence Force Artillery Calcutta Volunteer Bty. ↩
57. Mealymeal or Miele-meal, coarsely ground Maize, African staple used to make porridge or pap.↩
58. Tanga, Tanzania. Port town 60 miles E. of Korogwe. Captured 7th July 1916↩
59. Gun crew number 4.↩
60. SS “Montrose”: Not possible as this ship a wreck at the time. Perhaps sister ship “Montreal”?↩
62. Zanzibar, Tanzania. Island port 45 nautical miles N. from Dar-es-Salaam.↩
63. Ford, Albert Richard, Gunner 45688 RGA. Buried Dar-es-Salaam war cemetry. 20th October 1916.↩
64. Kilwa Kisiwani, Tanzania. Small coastal island S. of Dar-es-Salaam.↩
65.Kilwa Kivinje, Tanzania. Small coastal settlement, about 10 miles N. Kilwa Kisiwani. ↩
66. CRA: Commanding Royal Artillery. Acting as operator of telephone line to commanding officer.↩
67. FOO: Forward Observation Officer. Telephone line to officer directing gunfire, (target out of sight of gun crews).↩ 68. Heliograph: Device for signalling using mirror to reflect sunlight.↩
69. Scorpion Spider: Ground-living, flat spider, black body, orange legs, 1 – 2 cm long. Harmless.↩
71. Alex D. Spalding: Diary end-papers has address at 1,Victoria Crescent, Dundee [Incorrect Rgt. No. 65714?]↩
72. Reeves: Possibly Thomas A. Reeves 70171, 47 Canal Bank, Eccles.↩
73. Nangurukuru, Tanzania. Small settlement aprox. 5 miles SW of Kilwa Kivinje↩
74. Mitole, Tanzania. About 20 miles W. of Nangurukuru↩
75. Njinjo, Tanzania. About 8 miles SWW of Mitole.↩
76. Tchemera Hill, Tanzania: Alternate spelling Mchemera, aprox 40 miles W. Kilwa Kinije↩
77. Banda: African hut, usually timber-framed and with thatched roof.↩
78. Coolie: Possible reference to Indian Labour Corps.↩
79. Director: Optical device for determining range to a target↩
80. Bomb. Bombardier, Royal Artillery rank equivalent to Corporal↩
82. Grazing guard: Watching over pack animals, guarding against wandering off and predation by wild animals?↩
83. CE; Church of England, the established church in England. (Assumed faith by default).↩
84. Promotion to Bombardier: The official date of promotion is 25th August 1916↩
85. Namatiwa, Tanzania: Unidentified, presume 52 miles N. of Mitole.↩
86. Ngorami, (Ngarambi Juu), Tanzania: 50 miles N.W. Of Mitole.↩
87. Pathans: 40th Pathans, Indian, (now Pakistan), Infantry Regiment. Previously served in Hong Kong.↩
88. Maj. Von Boemken, commander of German company operating in region of Kibata.↩
89. Splalding, AD, 65174, Died 14th January 1917, age 23. Son of Alexander B. Spalding, 4 Greendykes Rd. Dundee↩
90. 'laying wire': Field telephone cable.↩
92. Kibata, Tanzania: Kabata, alternate spelling↩
93. Namakata, Tanzania: N.E. of Kabata.↩
94. Moboro, Tanzania: On river Rufiji delta, 40 miles N. of Kilwa Kivinje↩
95. “Mafia”: Built 1910, 531 gt, l: 163' b: 25'↩
96. R.J. Plenderleith: Teacher friend from Coatbridgr/Dundee. Taught at Harris Academy Dundee.↩
97. Mrs Jessie McAndrew: Landlady of lodgings at 22 Kinloch St. Dundee↩
98. 8th Field Battery: Some authorities conflate this with Calcutta Volunteers. (Diary entry for 30th September 1916 records meeting with Calcutta Battery but it is not clear if UK contingent of RA joined this unit. Gunner Ford, killed 20th October 1916 is recorded by CWGC as 8th Bty. Royal Garrison Artillery. ↩
99 .Morogoro, Tanzania: 122 miles W. of Dar-es-Salaam. ↩
100. Mex: 'Medical Exemption'.↩
102. DSM detail camp: 'DSM' abbreviation for Dar-es-Salaam. Detail camp, a holding camp for discharged patients. ↩
103. “Hymettus”: A1 HMAT 'Hymettus' :Built by Palmers, Jarrow in 1905. 4,606 gtw↩
104. Possibly Sir Reginald Rankin 2nd Bt. (1871 - 1931) ↩
105. Nahungo, (Nahungu), Tanzania: About 70 miles S.W. Of Kilwa Kivinje↩
106. Ruangwa, Tanzania: Aprox. 50 miles W. of Lindi, ↩
107. Ngaga, Tanzania: Aprox. 30 miles S.W. of Ruangwa↩
108. FWD: Four-wheel drive vehicles started to arrive in the Kilwa region mid-July 1917.↩
109. Nanga Massai, (Masai), Tanzania: Abrox 7 miles N.W. of Ngaga↩
110. A72 HMAT “Beltana”: Built Caird & Co. Greenock, 1912. 1,162 gtw ↩