The sun is shining brightly when we awake in the morning though the mist lies thickly on the hills and a cloud hides our view of "Schiehallion"
While in the midst of breakfast preparations we hear sad news. Melville brings a newspaper in which we learn that two of the scouts of the 3rd Dundee Troop have been drowned in the river near their camping ground at the "Bridge of Earn". While returning in a boat after having assisted in putting out a farm fire the boat upturned throwing two of its occupants into the river and causing them to lose their lives. Having known Cameron and Brown very well we are all deeply moved by the sorrowful news recognising Dundee has lost two of her most enthusiastic scouts
Rodger leaves us at this moment to cycle to the Bridge of Earn bearing with him a message of sympathy from Mr Shaw and us all to Mr Lorimer scoutmaster of the 3rd Dundee.
We go for a walk through Aberfeldy and visit the "Black Watch Monument" then return about 2 o'clock for dinner.
Loaded again is our waggon and once more we are on our journey this time our destination being Amulree.
Across the square we now march and reaching the main road we commence the steep climb of three long miles.
Steady, Boys Steady, steadily we pull the waggon and pass the 'Birks of Aberfeldy' we halt to have a rest a mile on our way.
At this stage a party of Holidaymakers come up to us and tell us of the difficulties of the road further up but nothing daunted we move on.
On either side great hills rise while all around us is one vast moor and as far as we can see not a single house is perceivable.
Excelsior!! higher and higher we climb till reaching a small brook we call another halt.
"Oh for a draught of vintage" a spring of cool clear water is close at hand so we refresh ourselves from the stream.
At last we see half a mile higher up the outline of "Loch-na-Craig" which is the summit of our three miles climb.
Again we are going faster as we turn down the road by the side of the loch.
A cloud of cold damp mist comes down upon us bringing with it a shower of rain and again we halt to get out our waterproofs.
Reaching a small farm a cyclist goes off in search of milk but comes back with the news that the man at the farm had told him "She didna' keep a Coo' "
Round the road we meet a baker with his van and purchase from him some bread for tea.
Away again go the pioneers in search of ground and on reaching Amulree Hotel we ask the use of their park for the evening.
The genial proprietor grants the
necessary permission and we are conducted through a field at the
foot of the hills where we come upon our friends in the Caravan
One chap starts to build a fire another goes to get firewood while a third goes back to show the others the way. Through the rough field we pull the waggon and begin to pitch our tents before the darkness descends upon us.
Seated at the tent door we can distinguish the figures of the cooks through the gloom against the red glare of the fire as we patiently wait for tea. The return to the "Tea Urn" is the signal to dine and wolfishly devour this well earned meal.
Soon the camp is wrapped in stillness broken occasionally by the calls of wild birds on the hills.