At 8 a.m. next morning when the "Reveille" is sounded we scramble into our clothes the sun is shining brightly down upon us.
Cargill & Reid cycle into Crieff to purchase provisions for breakfast.
Ramsay takes up his usual position at the fire while others get water, firewood etc.
The mysterious disappearance of half a dozen scouts causes some anxiety but after half an hour they return laden with Raspberries and telling of a place in the wood where they could be found.
We prepare the breakfast table which is made up out of the bottom of the waggon and dine on fresh country eggs with salmon by way of dessert.
Our day's march lies by way of Methven to Perth which is a distance of 14 Miles so we start to arrange our baggage for the journey.
We wheel the waggon across the field to the road and carry across our baggage to have it loaded.
Through the gate to the main road we retrace our steps and steadily march forward while Crieff gradually fades away in the distance behind us.
Reaching Gilmerton we take the road to the right which points to Perth.
To the accompaniment of "John Brown's Body" we march our deep throated chorus startling the inhabitants in the little cottages by the road who come out to view us as we go marching along.
Swinging steadily along we pass an old
stonebreaker enjoying his noon day meal while motor after motor
goes hooting past leaving behind them great clouds of dust.
A Car at this stage slows down and the lady kindly invites us to have some tea but as her house lies two miles off our way we thank her and decline.
She compliments us on the way we are marching and invites us to come to her house if we are in the district again.
Willie Reid has to leave us at this moment as it is necessary for him to be in Dundee by Friday morning to start work so we give him a cheer as he cycles off.
We continue on our way by farmhouse and cottage till we reach the village of Methven.
We halt here and pull the waggon into the side of the road and enter a tea room in search of refreshment.
We are conducted through the shop to a room upstairs and sit down at a table which groans under the weight of buns and cakes.
Slowly but surely they disappear and soon nothing is left but the plates. We ring for the girl and astound her by asking for more.
After a brief rest we move off again and on reaching Huntingtower Cargill & I leave for Perth to arrange camping ground.
A field at the entrance to the town draws our attention and on getting permission we start building a fire.
As the fire shows signs of kindling the
main party arrives so we set about pitching our tents again.
Within half an hour they are in position and the cook at the fire
shouts that tea is ready.
While we are in the midst of our meal we are subjected to the gaze of a crowd of spectators from the neighbouring houses.
Having washed up the dishes we dress and go for a look round the "Fair City".
After having visited the "fair maids house" and viewed the principal streets we return to camp as it is now 10.30 p.m.
By 11.30 we are all under blankets and soon the whole camp is still.